Let’s talk


Off grid systems, big or small are no problem for us.

We can get it done for you, contact us for a chat on how we can help you with your system.

We can design, supply and install a system to suit your needs.




What we’ve done so far


If you are a Queenslander you will be well aware of the volatility of our electricity grid, Christmas day 2023 saw South east Queensland blind sided by a storm that stripped power poles from the ground leaving over 22000 homes and businesses without power for up to 10 days.

Gridbusters founder Eddy Vanderee was quick to act in his local community of Springbrook, assisting locals with generator issues, and advising how to survive the blackout at hand, so much so that the local Disaster management committee banded together with Eddy and local residents and held a seminar on storm preparation mid January 2024, with over 60 attendees asking questions and wanting answers on where from here, is this a sign of things to come?

Talks were held on Solar systems, battery backups, generator safety and issues, septic systems,  water pumps and communications.

The general consensus of the local residence is a need to be self sufficient and when the power goes off life can continue as usual or alternatively with the increases in electricity costs wanting to leave the grid behind and be 100% self-sufficient.

Gridbusters partners with reliable brands like Victron, Sungrow, Pylontech and Jinko, these brands offer superior backup and service, brands used by Eddy for many years and has proven success, Eddys Springbrook residence is powered by Jinko and Sungrow and is not reliant on the grid giving peace of mind as the area does suffer constant outages.

If you are looking for an off grid solution contact Eddy for a free consultation and he can advise you of the options available.



Our mission is to help people to achieve there off grid goals.

At Gridbusters, our mission is to empower sustainable living by providing innovative solutions for energy independence. Through our journey off the grid, we aim to inspire others to embrace renewable energy, reduce their carbon footprint, and create a more resilient future.

Our partners and collaborators

Victron nery

Victron Energy

Proven technology

means peace of mind.

Every reliable off-grid system needs to match its case specific challenges, such as system load characteristics, end-user behaviour, local climate aspects, and so forth. After decades of mastering power challenges with innovation, we know how to create a wide range of robust connected products that keep performing, even in the harshest of climates.

Fusion Batteries

Fusion Lithium batteries deliver safe Lithium phosphate energy storage solutions in standard lead-acid battery sizes for a wide variety of applications

They are an upgraded alternative for similar sized lead-acid batteries offering twice the run-time and unrivalled cycle life with less than half the weight.


Pylontech was founded in 2009 as a dedicated battery energy storage system (BESS) provider by consolidating their expertise in electrochemistry, power electronics and system integration to deliver reliable energy storage solutions globally. With shipments doubled for 8 years in a row, it has become a leading provider of energy storage system worldwide.

We are humbled to contribute our know-how to our technologies and create a sustainable future for all. Pylontech always is here to take responsibility and always take the mission to liberate human energy sustainably.


Sungrow has been engaged in clean power generation since 1997. Our product solutions and services are helping to produce clean and green energy in more than 150 countries. Our R&D team is composed of international experts committed to providing first-class solutions to our global customer base - and to the globe we all live on. 

As the world cries out for cheap and clean energy, what would be more obvious than to turn to the sun? The world’s energy demands can be satisfied with just three hours of sunshine every day.


JinkoSolar (NYSE: JKS) is one of the largest and most innovative solar module manufacturers in the world. JinkoSolar distributes its solar products and sells its solutions and services to a diversified international utility, commercial and residential customer base in China, the United States, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, Chile, South Africa, India, Mexico, Brazil, the United Arab Emirates, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, and other countries and regions. JinkoSolar has built a vertically integrated solar product value chain, with an integrated annual capacity of 17.5 GW for mono wafers, 10.6 GW for solar cells, and 16 GW for solar modules, as of March 31, 2020.

In Australia our head office is in Sydney, and we have dedicated warehouse facilities in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. Because we understand that our customers in Australia value local service, we have built a full-service team focused on helping you grow your solar business whether in residential, commercial, or utility.

We can also deal with your RV or Caravan

Our expert technicians can fit out your VAN or RV with a power solution that suits your needs....